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Your Source For Snoring, Sleep Apnea and TMJ Help

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Untreated Sleep Problems Can Wreck Your Life

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition where the afflicted are not able to breathe properly while sleeping. Throughout the night sufferers will often experience apneas (defined as the temporary inability to breathe) that may last as long as 40 seconds. This causes your brain to “wake you up” enough that you’ll move and can resume breathing.

Most patients don’t know that they have this condition until they are observed by a spouse or sleeping partner. This means that most OSA sufferers are unaware of their condition and have just learned to live a life of fatigue. You do not have to live this way – there are many treatments available for OSA.


Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Sleep Better Columbus

For some people, snoring is more than an inconvenient or embarrassing behavior. It may also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is associated with serious medical complications.

Sleep Apnea is a Serious Condition
Dr. Levy Can Help

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We provide an effective, safe, and simple solution that reduces symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea comfortably, allowing better sleep and decreased health risks. Get better rest for you or your family.

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Sleep Problems Can Be Serious

60% of sufferers

 report relationship issues

Twice as Likely

to be in an automobile accident

30% greater risk

for heart issues

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Kicking the Bear Out of the Bedroom

Snoring & Sleep Apnea, the Not-So-Silent Killers by Steve Wick

with Forward by Dr. Mark Levy

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