Treatment Options to Avoid Sleep Apnea Surgery Risks

Treatment Options to Avoid Sleep Apnea Surgery Risks

Sleep Apnea Surgeries Have Multiple Potential Side Effects and Complications

All surgical procedures carry potential risks and possible complications, and this is no different for each type of sleep apnea surgery. The more invasive a sleep apnea surgery is, the higher the risk level for the sleep apnea patient. Thankfully, non-invasive sleep apnea treatment is possible.

Some of the side effects and complications from sleep apnea surgery depend upon the surgical procedure’s location. Sleep apnea surgeries that affect the soft tissues of your nose, mouth, throat, neck, or airway carry an increased risk for complications localized to those specific areas. At the same time, nerve stimulators, such as the Inspire system, have unique risks associated with the nerve-stimulating device’s location and potential malfunctions.

Surgical procedures require anesthesia, which is a concern for sleep apnea patients. Anesthesia, specifically general anesthesia, can be quite dangerous for patients who have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).  Using anesthesia is riskier when you have sleep apnea because the condition slows down breathing and can make you more susceptible to the effects of anesthesia. Additionally, sleep apnea can make it harder for patients to become conscious again and take a breath after surgery.

Risks Associated with Sleep Apnea Surgeries

There are several risks associated with surgery in general. Some of the risks associated with sleep apnea surgeries include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • excessive bleeding
  • blood clots
  • infection
  • new breathing problems
  • urinary retention
  • deep vein thrombosis (blood clots)
  • difficulties with swallowing
  • nerve injuries
  • an allergic reaction to the anesthesia
  • loss of sensation or feeling in the affected area
  • muscle weakness in the adjacent muscles
  • pulmonary embolism
  • injuries to your teeth, tongue, or soft palate

Additional Risks Associated with Surgically Implanted Sleep Apnea Treatment Devices

Surgically implanted sleep apnea treatment devices, like the Inspire system, carry additional risks.  Risks related to the surgery itself include swelling, nausea, pain, headaches, infection, and temporary tongue weakness. In some cases, these issues take months to resolve and require medication.

Risks explicitly associated with a nerve-stimulating device that has been surgically implanted include:

  • mouth dryness
  • tongue abrasions
  • discomfort from stimulation
  • discomfort from the presence of the device
  • a potentially lengthy period of making adjustments to stimulator settings to alleviate or eliminate side effects from the device
  • another surgery is required if the device doesn’t work for you and needs to be removed.

Alternative and Complementary Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea Are Safer than Surgical Options

Several non-surgical sleep apnea treatment options can be used to treat obstructive sleep apnea. These alternative treatment options can be used alone or in combination and don’t have the potential downsides or risks that sleep apnea surgeries have. The sleep specialists at Sleep Better Columbus will work with you to find alternative sleep apnea treatments that work for you.

Alternative treatments can include lifestyle changes like avoiding alcohol and sedative medications before bedtime, quitting smoking, frequent and increased physical exercise, and weight loss when indicated.

Other nonsurgical and safer sleep apnea treatment alternatives include:

  • custom oral appliances (or dental devices)
  • different types of PAP (positive airway pressure) machines
    • CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines
    • APAP (automatic positive airway pressure) machines
    • BPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure) machines
    • ASV (adaptive servo-ventilation) machines
  • oropharyngeal exercises
  • positional therapy
  • nasal resistors

Dental Devices Offer Sleep Apnea Patients a Safe and Effective Treatment Alternative to Sleep Apnea Surgeries

Oral appliance therapy is a nonsurgical treatment option that is an effective sleep apnea treatment for many people who have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Using a dental device or sleep apnea mouthpiece to treat sleep apnea is a safer treatment option and doesn’t carry the numerous risks associated with sleep apnea surgeries.

An oral appliance or dental device for sleep apnea treatment is a specially fitted device custom-made by a dentist trained in sleep medicine. An oral appliance’s primary purpose is to keep the airway open during sleep so the normal airflow during breathing isn’t blocked. These dental devices look like a sports mouthguard or an orthodontic retainer but fit more comfortably. The most common oral appliances are mandibular advancement devices (MADs) and tongue-retaining devices (TRDs).

  • Mandibular advancement devices are sophistically designed to combat obstructive sleep apnea effectively. MADs called mandibular advancement splints, keep your airway unobstructed by gently moving your jaw forward.
  • Tongue-retaining devices, also known as tongue-stabilizing devices or TSDs, keep your tongue from sliding to the back of your mouth and blocking your airway.

Advantages of Using Dental Appliances to Treat Sleep Apnea

Using dental appliances to treat sleep apnea can also improve other symptoms like concentration issues, daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and moodiness. Custom-made oral appliances from a sleep apnea dentist are a popular and effective treatment option since they provide significant advantages and fewer risks compared to other sleep apnea treatments like breathing devices and surgeries.

Advantages of using custom-made dental devices from Sleep Better Columbus include:

  • Comfortable to wear
  • It is just as effective as other treatment options, including breathing devices and surgical options
  • Not as invasive as surgery
  • Not loud and noisy like breathing devices
  • Relatively nonintrusive
  • Compact and portable
  • Small and discreet
  • Require no recovery time
  • Less risky than sleep apnea surgery
  • Easier to take and use when traveling
  • Don’t require electricity
  • Convenient to use
  • Lower out-of-pocket costs

Sleep Apnea Specialists Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea without Surgery

The sleep apnea specialists at Sleep Better Columbus are committed to providing compassionate care for all patients and helping each one find the best sleep apnea treatment. We understand that many patients have concerns about sleep apnea treatment options and may prefer alternatives to CPAP machines and sleep apnea surgery.

Sleep Better Columbus’s sleep apnea therapy solution is a simple, comfortable solution that will help those with sleep-disordered breathing sleep better quickly. Specially designed mouthpieces provide an effective and comfortable sleep apnea treatment alternative without the associated risk of sleep apnea surgery.

To learn more about custom oral appliances to treat your sleep apnea without surgery, call the sleep disordered breathing experts at Sleep Better Columbus at 614-777-7350 or book an appointment online.


Breaking the Chains of Sleep Divorce: A New Perspective on Treating Sleep Apnea

Breaking the Chains of Sleep Divorce: A New Perspective on Treating Sleep Apnea

The Rise of Sleep Divorce

Sleep divorce, an unconventional concept where couples choose to sleep separately for a better night’s rest, is gaining traction. Recent studies suggest that one in three Americans are opting for this arrangement, particularly among couples dealing with conditions like sleep apnea and snoring.

Research indicates that when one bed partner experiences a sleep disorder or sleep-disordered breathing, it can have a detrimental impact on the other person’s sleep quality and overall well-being. The close proximity and shared sleeping environment can amplify the effects, highlighting the importance of addressing and seeking treatment for sleep-related issues to promote harmonious and restful sleep for both individuals involved.

Sleep Disordered Breathing and Its Impact on Relationships

Whilst a sleep divorce can provide relief from the noise and disruptions associated with certain sleep disorders, it also comes at a cost. The absence of physical contact while sleeping can create emotional distance between partners, potentially leading to feelings of isolation or loneliness.

When romantic partners sleep next to one another, their bodies release oxytocin and other chemicals known as the “cuddling hormones.” These hormones foster a sense of closeness between couples. Nevertheless, while these hormones play a significant role, they alone cannot offset the detrimental and long-lasting impacts of a lack of quality sleep.

A sleep divorce can also have detrimental impacts on relationships over time as feelings of resentment can surface, particularly if one partner feels like they are being forced or coerced into sleeping separately.

A Better Alternative to Sleep Divorce: Treating Sleep Apnea

Instead of resorting to a sleep divorce, couples can proactively take steps to address the underlying causes of their sleep-related issues. With the advancements in treatment options for sleep apnea and other related conditions, finding effective solutions has never been easier or more accessible.

The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Sleep Quality

Sleep apnea, particularly Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), is a common sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep. These disruptions can lead to poor sleep quality, daytime fatigue, and a host of other health complications.

It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you or a loved one may be experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea. A proper diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve sleep quality and overall health. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional for guidance and support.

Snoring, a common symptom of OSA, can also disrupt a partner’s sleep, leading to frustration and strained relationships. In addition to snoring, people who suffer from sleep apnea often experience restless sleep, waking up gasping or choking, and twitches and jerks that not only disrupt their own sleep but their partner’s sleep as well.

The effects of sleep apnea don’t stop when the sufferer wakes up, however. Sleep apnea often results in excessive daytime sleepiness, irritability, moodiness, forgetfulness, headaches, and other physical and mental conditions that can lead to problems in the relationship or even outside the home at the workplace and in social situations.

These are other reasons why it is so important to seek sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment.

The Role of Sleep Specialists

Sleep apnea, particularly obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), can have serious effects on overall health, going beyond just disrupted sleep. Left untreated, OSA can lead to higher risks of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. By treating sleep apnea, you’re not only improving your sleep but also taking a significant step towards better overall health.

Professional sleep specialists play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating sleep disorders like sleep apnea. A sleep apnea professional brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. They can provide a comprehensive understanding of your condition, helping you navigate the complexities of sleep apnea. From explaining the underlying causes of your specific form of sleep apnea to exploring how it impacts your overall health and daily life, they equip you with the necessary information to better manage your condition.

Additionally, they guide you through the plethora of treatment options, taking into account your personal needs, lifestyle, and preferences. This helps you make an informed decision about your treatment plan, ensuring it’s not only effective for addressing your sleep apnea but also sustainable in the long run. By collaborating with a sleep apnea specialist, you become an active participant in your healthcare journey, taking strategic steps towards improved sleep quality and overall health.

Navigating the World of Sleep Apnea Treatments

Treating obstructive sleep apnea can drastically improve sleep quality and relationship dynamics. Common solutions include:

  1. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy: This involves using a machine to keep your airway open while you sleep. However, some partners find the noise from CPAP machines disruptive, contributing to the rise of sleep divorce.
  2. Weight Loss: Obesity is a major risk factor for OSA. Losing weight can reduce the severity of sleep apnea symptoms.
  3. Dietary Changes: Avoiding alcohol, sedatives, and certain foods before bedtime can help decrease episodes of sleep-disordered breathing.
  4. Oral Appliances: These devices, worn in the mouth like orthodontic retainers or sports mouthguards, can be a quieter solution for treating sleep apnea. They adjust the position of your lower jaw and tongue to help keep your airways open while you sleep.

Ending Sleep Divorce Through Sleep Apnea Treatment

While sleep divorce may offer temporary relief from the lack of sleep caused by sleep-disordered breathing, it often doesn’t address the root cause and it could create emotional distance between partners.

Treating sleep apnea can help couples end their sleep divorce and return to sharing a bed. Treatment improves both sleep quality and relationship dynamics, making it a win-win situation for couples and everyone’s overall health. Improved sleep quality can lead to increased daytime alertness, improvements in mood, memory, and concentration, as well as enhanced relationship satisfaction.

Consult with a sleep specialist at Sleep Better Columbus to determine the most effective treatment option for your unique sleep apnea situation.

To learn more about sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment, contact the professionals at Sleep Better Columbus online or at (614) 777-7350 today for a consultation and take the first steps toward better sleep.

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